Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

  • Speech Therapy

    The Kabbalah Of Speech

    Get More Information Here: Speech Therapy For Adults TRY SAYING THESE WORDS TO YOURSELF: Depressed, sad, afraid, guilty, alone, weak, fragmented, disconnected, weary, helpless, victimized, threatened, tired, drained, resentful, unappreciated, misunderstood, burdened, angry, hate, hard, not good enough, dreary, stupid, ugly, lonely, impossible, overwhelmed, isolated, too much for me, failure, I cant, danger, panic, its too hard How do you feel? And, what happens to your goals when you feel this way? To your energy? To your willingness to take risks? To your belief in yourself and your dreams? Its not such a pretty picture. NOW TRY THESE: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqCXGGQuWOo[/youtube] Happy, overjoyed, energized, strong, delighted, proud, empowered, flowing, intimate, ease, rested,…

  • Speech Therapy

    The Most Eloquent Speech I Ever Heard

    Get More Information Here: Communicate Speech This is Our Finest Hour? I Have a Dream? No, nothing like that. This is a speech of 2 words I heard the other day.I was in a hospital getting a chest x-ray, a prerequisite for surgery on my broken ankle. Its been two weeks since it happened, two weeks full of pain, change, and coping. Ive described how it happened, learned how to get around the house on crutches, visited doctors and labs, waited on x-rays, and asked neighbors to get the mail and groceries. Ive also been put through the pre-op battery of tests blood tests, EKGs, chest x-rays, and discussions with…