
11 Easy Slr Photography Tips And Tricks For Beginners

Submitted by: Thomas Baumbach

If you re looking quick and easy tips in photographing in digital SLR, then pull up a chair and buckle down for the next few minutes because this is the article that you ve been looking for.

In this article, we re going to look at twelve must-know tips for digital photography beginners that will help you come up with brilliant pictures quickly, and easily.

Listed below are some tips for people who are learning the basics of their digital SLR camera. After reading this article, you ll be able to take pictures seamlessly according to the level of your experience.

1.Never throw manuals away! Instructions how to use your camera functions and features are discussed in the manual. Instead, you should read it a lot and whenever possible, store it where it can be reached for reference easily.


2.Allot an individual UV filter for every lens you ve got. It s a lot cheaper to replace scratched filters than scratched lens.

3.At your best, try to know how to use all of the SLR camera settings. Even if you think that you aren t going to ever use it. Mastering changing basic camera settings like ISO, aperture, and shutter speed is greatly recommended.

4.If you re serious about photography, you might want to invest on good, sturdy tripod and a remote release. This equipment can really help when taking photographs that need long shutter speeds.

5.Read lots of SLR photography magazines. It has guides on choosing the right digital camera for you, including how to use it along with camera accessories and camera lenses.

6.Do not ever attempt to touch or blow the sensor inside your camera s body. Should you damage it, your camera is bricked and useless. If you need to clean it, buy a specialized cleaning kit from a camera shop.

7.Hesitate to change lens outside a closed environment. Dust might land on the camera s sensor.

8.If you get a lot of blurred photos, chances are your shutter speed setting is slow. Change it to a faster shutter speed for more engaging subjects. Stabilizing your hand movements while taking a photo is another useful thing to remember, if you want to take sharper pictures.

9.It is greatly recommended for beginners such as yourself to use a RAW file format when taking pictures with your SLR. This is because RAW files are easily editable on a photo-editing computer program if ever you take a good picture with all the wrong camera settings.

10.Experiment with your new camera and learn through experience the settings that are foreign to you. Try still captures while using different settings to see how many photo effects you can achieve through the manipulation of these settings.

11.A well-focused picture is usually more candid than its blurred counterparts. Make it a habit to prefocus before taking a picture by pressing the shutter button halfway before completely pressing it to take the photograph. For more detail visit:

About the Author: Thomas Baumbach is running Kameradoktorn, an electronic company which provides digital SLR, digital cameras, compact cameras, camera accessories and much more that can make your photography experience wonderful.


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